2020 is one of those years where it feels like I did nothing, but looking back that's not true.
It's cold, we live in Wisconsin... so not much happened. I wrapped up my first season coaching poms, which was fun.
We spent Valentine's Day weekend in downtown Chicago. As many times as I've been there, I've never stayed overnight. It was -20 degrees, so our only sightseeing was at the Field Museum.
(Because let's be honest, the months started blending together at this point.)
The calm before everything went crazy. My last week before the world shut down was great. I got to see the American Cup international gymnastics competition and a Legally Blonde the musical. We had a fun week at school celebrating Purim. And then... nothing. Unfortunately the dance recital we worked all year to prepare for was cancelled.
Other than that, we really enjoyed being at home together. I started going on walks around the neighborhood every day. I tutored kids online. David has fully worked from home ever since. He switched jobs in April and really likes the new one.
With the onset of lovely weather we got out and about more. Thanks to Covid there were no big vacations, but we did what we could to entertain ourselves.
Cedarburg |
Port Washington |
Wisconsin Dells |
I got a beautiful new car in July. I taught dance once a week and had a lot of free time. I spent most of it preparing for/going through our first round of IVF.
After a disappointing outcome, we took off on a last minute road trip. We headed south to the cute Mississippi towns of Hannibal, MO and Galena, IL for a last summer hurrah.
Shockingly, school reopened in person! September ended up being one of the busiest months of my life. I worked full-time, taught dance, coached poms, babysat the delightful Buttercup, and jumped right into IVF round 2.
October is always my favorite month. Besides being beautiful and cozy, this year it was extra special when I found out I was pregnant!
By November, I was consistently feeling sick and nauseous every day. Believe it or not, I was extremely thankful to catch Covid because of the 2 weeks off from work it gave me haha.
We were very lucky to not be sick besides mildly stuffy noses. David lost his taste and smell but it miraculously came back on Thanksgiving day. ;)
The rest of the year was low-key. We had a merry Christmas and we're really looking forward to 2021!
Past Years in Review!
2019 (Polar Vortex, turned 30, Seattle trip, David's parents visit, Mackinac Island, road trips)
2018 (Poland, Sicily, moving back to America, Hawaii, buying a house)2017 (Paris three times, Milan, Bruges, Italian Riviera, Carcassonne, London, Geneva, Florence, Venice, beach, Provence, Naples, Denmark, Cinque Terre, David gets a green card! phew) 2016 (Israel, moved back to US, got engaged, got married, moved to France, Paris, Provence, London) 2015 (Living in Israel, David visits, parents visit, 2 trips to France) 2014 (Living in France, Brussels, Amsterdam, Munich, Vienna, Prague, meeting David, Switzerland, Paris moved home, moved to Israel) 2013 (Jerusalem study abroad, moved to France, Rome, Florence, Siena, Luxembourg)
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